Diabetes Education

Living a long, healthy life with diabetes means keeping your blood sugar levels consistently in control. This takes education, support and the ability to maintain changes in your lifestyle.

The Diabetes Education team at Jennie Stuart Health is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with diabetes by providing the skills, knowledge and support needed to manage diabetes and avoid complications.

The Outpatient Diabetes Education Program is for anyone with diabetes – whether you are newly diagnosed, have never received diabetes education or are having problems maintaining control. Education is conducted in small groups with you and your family, or in some cases individual instruction is provided. Topics include blood glucose monitoring, nutrition, medications, physical activity, coping strategies and goal setting.

Sessions are directed by an RN Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and a Registered Dietitian.

For additional information about the diabetes program at Jennie Stuart Health, contact the Program Coordinator at 270-887-0164.

Virtual Diabetes Support Group

Please fill our the form below to be added to the Virtual Diabetes Support Group list.

Virtual support group meetings will cover topics like eating healthy, reading labels, grocery shopping tips, staying active, how to avoid high and low blood sugar and much more. Each session includes a designated time to ask questions about diabetes care and a physician’s order is not required.

additional information

For additional information about the
diabetes program at Jennie Stuart Health, call

(270) 887-0164

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test

To find out your risk for developing
Type 2 diabetes, take a 60-Second
Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test